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Bedroom Design INTERIOR DESIGN HOUSE 3 sq.m

Bedroom Design INTERIOR DESIGN HOUSE 3 sq.m

Small apartment in the modern world are not uncommon and so many designers have applied a lot of effort for their arrangement. The main difficulty is to obtain a spacious and functional rooms in a small space. Therefore it is necessary to abandon the creation of specific areas or still to the detriment of the space to implement all the requirements applicable to the premises.

Creating the design of the room 3 by 3 meters, the problem is simplified, since in this case, despite the lack of physical space designer has to deal with the correct geometry. This means that to create a symmetrical logically complete design easier than in the premises of a rectangular shape, because they do not want to use the D effects to change the perception of the room, hide a niche or any other shortcomings of standard layouts.


A small bedroom is not always possible to fully realize the design ideas for the interior equipment. Nevertheless, even 9 sq. m will be enough to get a spacious bedroom and fit it is not only a place to relax, but also to establish a convenient storage for personal belongings.

To do this, you must get rid of superfluous decorative elements, unneeded items and overall furniture. Releasing even a small space will be a breath of fresh air in a confined space.

The best option would be installation of built-in wardrobe, if needed to create a room design 3 to 4 m, but in this situation it will not work to do and therefore have to use every possible niche and compact furniture.

Next you should consider the basic colors that will be used in each case. Usually for these purposes as a primary color selected neutral bright and pastel colors. They will relax and feel cozy and comfortable.

Naturally, it is better to abandon the use of any designs, drawings and photographs in favor of the monotonous color of the walls, as before going to bed should be no sad or encouraging thoughts. But if it must be done, it is better to perform the decoration of the walls, which attracted little attention before going to bed and is usually found at the head.

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